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Sharpening Your Chain!

Sharpening Your Chain!

Posted by Josue on Feb 1st 2023

How to Sharpen a Chainsaw

A dull chain can be dangerous, it can cause damage to your saw but more importantly, yourself. 

  1. Safety first: wear protective gear like gloves and eye protection.
  2. Secure your chainsaw: clamp it in a vise or place it on a stable surface.
  3. Locate the dull cutters: these are the teeth of the chain that are not making contact with the wood.
  4. Sharpen cutters: use a round file to sharpen the cutters, making sure to follow the angle of the existing bevel.
  5. File depth gauges: after sharpening the cutters, use a flat file to lower the depth gauges.
  6. Check cutting angle: make sure the cutting angle is consistent for all cutters. A file guide tool works great to assure you have the desired angle
  7. Repeat process: sharpen each cutter on the chain in the same manner, then check the chain tension again.
  8. Store properly: Clean the chainsaw and store it properly to prolong the life of the chain and saw.